Before we start, we’d like to announce that the domain is now used!
Hello everyone, and welcome to Raíz1’s first blog post! Sadly with nothing exciting to begin with.
TL;DR: We have no primary domain. Our friend who owned the domain said they’d pay for it 4 days before its expiration (4th of Dec. 2024), but turns out…they forgot to.
So that means, we, for a few days, had nothing to host costmiku on.
It started months ago when costmiku was still hosted inside of a virtual machine, on our computer. After some signs of wear and unrelated instability, we decided we should host this less often. We once wanted to resize the machine’s VMDK, from Oracle VirtualBox. You know what happens after? The file ends up corrupting itself…
At this point, we were literally going through the three additional stages of grief. We tried restarting VirtualBox, re-importing the image, none of those worked, It still showed the same error of the header missing. So, we tried running the following command:
vmware-vdiskmanager -R /run/media/kevadesu/Ba...opy.vmdk
The output ended up being:
The virtual disk, '/run/media/kevadesu/Ba...opy.vmdk', is corrupted and cannot be repaired.
So basically, beyond this point, we have kind of lost hope of being able to recover this file again. Want to know what the good thing is? We still had an original VDI file from May, 2024. We started using that VDI file. Everything went amazing, until the end of November. We have asked our friend to pay for the domain before it expires, and they said they would. It’s the 4th of December, it starts expiring.
Well, there’s nothing else to do now other than nag them about it remind them every day, despite them being very busy. In the meantime, raíz1 has formed, uniting Icycoide, Lintine and costmiku under one domain. Meanwhile, while we started up the virtual machine for one last time, to complete YunoHost migrations and prepare the backup for data transfer, our domain also had its last breaths before finally displaying a purely black screen.

And so we said to ourselves: “We’re cooked.”
In the meantime though, our friends at AeroNook offered us a backup subdomain at (shoutout to them). We didn’t need it that much though, and besides, it’s also already dead. (as in, it won’t connect).

Well, costmiku is (temporarily) partially non-functional, just like the German government, as of December 2024. While costmiku (the server itself) is hosting this page at the moment, the domain is down, meaning we can’t provide our Mastodon instance, Matrix homeserver and such. But hey, at least we got the website for Raíz1…yeah…
Welp, I guess that somewhat wraps it up. Thanks for reading through this article, and we wish you a great evening, day, noon, night or afternoon, depending on wherever you are.
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